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Harnessing Nature's Power in Agriculture

Cultivating Harmony -
Harnessing Nature's Power in Agriculture

At ADAMA HAYA (Living Soil), we're dedicated to advancing the principles of biodynamic and agroecological agriculture – a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming.


Specializing in the development of agroecological systems, we tailor solutions to enhance the vitality of farms and community agriculture initiatives. From expert advisory and training services to essential inputs like cover crop mixes and biodynamic preparations, we empower farmers to integrate natural processes into their practices.


Our expertise extends to project management for agricultural transition, DEMETER certification, and CSA development. We believe in establishing agriculture as a force for harmony and abundance, aligning human endeavors with the natural world.


Join us in cultivating a future where agriculture flourishes in harmony with nature, fostering health, prosperity, and sustainable economic growth for all Agriculture in the service of life.

Upcoming Field Course programs


Italy & Germany  >  August 6-16

Farm organism


Greece  >  January 13-18 2025

Olive production & quality


France  >  October 21-25 2024

Soil regeneration in mixed Farming

Discover our services

We have lots to offer

Biodynamic agriculture

Agricultural Courses and Field Tours

-​Annual Professional Training: Comprehensive programs in biodynamic agriculture and agroecology for professionals. -Advanced Studies and Unique Subject Courses: Specialized courses covering advanced topics in sustainable agriculture to meet evolving needs. -International Field Tours: Immersive tours to diverse agricultural landscapes worldwide, offering firsthand insights into innovative practices. Visit inspirational leading farmers and learn from their experiences. -Online Courses: Flexible online courses in biodynamics and agroecological farming for remote learning. -Public Lectures: Thought-provoking presentations on topics related to biodynamic agriculture, agroecology, and regenerative agriculture. Invite us to engage your audience with informative and inspiring talks.

Biodynamic agriculture


-Multispecies Cover Crop Seed Mixtures: Specially designed and tested seed mixtures tailored to enhance agricultural ecosystem services, addressing various needs across different soils, climates, crops, and purposes. -Biodynamic Preparations: Vitalizing additions for soil and plants, promoting robust plant growth and overall plant health. -High-Quality Enriched Compost: Compost infused with biodynamic preparations to enhance soil vitality and fertility, fostering healthier plants and ecosystems.

Biodynamic agriculture

Advisory Services

​-On-Farm Training and Advisory Service: Hands-on training and advisory in agroecology and biodynamic practices tailored to your farm's needs. -Mediterranean Agroecological and Agroforestry Farm Design: Expertise in designing sustainable systems suited to Mediterranean climates and landscapes. -Soil and Compost Quality Tests and Surveys: Comprehensive testing services, including Round Chromatography and labile carbon assessments. -Certification Support: Guidance in navigating certification processes for environmental standards, ensuring compliance and recognition.

Biodynamic agriculture

Projects Management

​-Organizational Change Processes: Expertise in guiding businesses and institutions towards sustainable and regenerative practices. -Agroecological and Regenerative Agriculture Project Development: Collaborate with us to develop and implement tailored projects aligned with your goals and objectives. -Leading Multi-Stakeholder Processes and Initiatives: Facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes and initiatives to promote collaboration and inclusive decision-making in sustainable agriculture.

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